Before you Revise

Are you ready to revise?

Revision is key to getting the best results but before you start, think about the following;

Have you made a timetable?

A revision timetable will help you to use your time effectively, when you make it include:

  • Other commitments you have; chores, family time, etc
  • Rest and sleep
  • Fun, using your phone, seeing friends, etc
  • Hours for revision for each subject

Where will you revise?

A comfortable, quiet and tidy place without distraction is the best place for you to revise; this could be at school, in a public library or just at home in your room.  Don’t forget to tell anyone that might disturb you that you’re revising!

Are you organised?

Are your notes in order? Do you have the equipment you need? Have you printed the past papers?  If you have everything in place before you start you’re less likely to lose focus.

Have you eaten?

Being hungry and thirsty will distract you and stop you from focusing; make sure you drink plenty of water and have enough food at your side in case you get hungry.

Have you slept?

Sleep is incredibly important for brain development and effective revision; enough said.

You’re ready to revise click here